Episode 71 with Lloyd and Nancy Greenhaw
Lloyd and Nancy Greenhaw are Catholic lay evangelists from just outside San Antonio, Texas.
They have traveled the world proclaiming the Good news that Jesus Christ is Lord. They read the writings of Pope St. John Paul II in Mission of the Redeemer, where he called for a “New Evangelization.” They took his words seriously and their lives were changed forever. They had to give God permission to work in their lives, and it changed them forever.
Are they Charismatic?
Lloyd discusses how the Church is charismatic, and they follow the teachings of the Church. Like the Church, they are promoters of all its teaching and are charismatic, Marian, Eucharistic, and promote the message of Divine Mercy.
What Format?
They follow the principles laid out in the book, Unbound, written by Neil Lozano. There are 5 Keys to personal healing and deliverance. Forgiveness is the “Master Key,” as we must forgive those who have hurt us. Forgiveness opens the door to Divine Mercy and personal healing and spiritual growth.
Great Stories
While in Cuba, the communist guard asked them to open a box. It contained rosaries, and the guard tearfully asked if she could have one. She then asked for a Bible; they gave her one and she commented, “I have been praying for 10 years for a Bible.” She was so filled with joy! But then her demeanor changed and she opened the exam door and told them to get out of the room; she was playing the role of a tough communist guard.
What are the Five Keys?
We will discuss the keys in greater detail in the next segment. The “Unbound” model is a self deliverance model used now in different countries. Mr. Lozano’s book can be found at Amazon.com.